Single Girls and Women from Ethiopia - find friends, love, friendship, sex

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41-45 out of 76 friends


36 years old woman from Ethiopia (AddisAbaba)


Hobbies: visiting historical and spritual places,reading books


About me: To rewrite message and deep introducing my self

kidist fikre

36 years old woman from Ethiopia (Addisabab)


Hobbies: visting historical and spritual places


About me: to get good male and female freinds


32 years old woman from Ethiopia (Jimma)


Hobbies: playing football,swimming,reading


About me: write 2 me


37 years old woman from Ethiopia (Dire Dawa)


Hobbies: picinic,movies,football,reading fiction.........


About me: i am realy honest and i want to be areal friend from all over the world.My response is always posetive.


38 years old woman from Ethiopia (Addi Ababa)


Hobbies: Reading ,swiming


About me: Be open to discuse about any thing

41-45 out of 76 friends