Single Girls and Women from Ethiopia - find friends, love, friendship, sex

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6-10 out of 76 friends


36 years old woman from Ethiopia (Addis Abeba)


Hobbies: Loving


About me: Loving & loving


33 years old woman from Ethiopia (Bahir Dar)


Hobbies: any thing


About me: Keep your life


34 years old woman from Ethiopia (Ethiopia)


Hobbies: reading ,watching moovies, visiting historical places


About me: I am Helen from Harer I live in harar and learn in haramaya university I like to discuss about love with females i do not know more about love and i want to learn from other ladies how love is sweet and to discuss with them how to form relationship with others and get a loveer friend who can make you satisfied in love . Please ladies let us share ideas and learn from each other .If you send me a message I am ready to meet you.


36 years old woman from Ethiopia (Nazareth)


Hobbies: evrything


About me: i love everything


34 years old woman from Ethiopia (Addis Ababa)


Hobbies: watching films, listening music


About me: i am looking for a person who shared me many ideas from many countries.

6-10 out of 76 friends