Single Girls and Women from Ethiopia - find friends, love, friendship, sex

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16-20 out of 76 friends


39 years old woman from Ethiopia (Wondogenet)


Hobbies: watching movies


About me: am interested in relation with any one likes me


41 years old woman from Ethiopia (Addis Abeba)


Hobbies: waching film


About me: if you need to be my frind i am so glad

serkalem habtamu

33 years old woman from Ethiopia (Addis Ababa)


Hobbies: reading,knowing people,listning slow musics


About me: hi am 18 soon i'll join university in eco..i would like to have a friend whom i don't know any thing about...


32 years old woman from Ethiopia (Addis Ababa)


Hobbies: I like dancing,swimming, books, hiphop music sometimes slow and movies like most teens.


About me: Hi there! I am basically looking for friendship. So any one there that has same thoughts just email.
Bye bye!


47 years old woman from Ethiopia (Addisabeba)


Hobbies: watchingfootball,reading ficition,vist hitorical areas,swimming etc..


About me: I want agood a firend.

16-20 out of 76 friends