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21-25 out of 27 friends


66 years old man from Japan (Tatchikawa)


Hobbies: traveling, climbing reading


About me: I want to keep good friendships
Age is over 44 from all countries


65 years old man from Japan (Tokyo)


Hobbies: reading, traveling and climbing etc


About me: Good friendship from all countries
over age 40


38 years old man from Japan (Osaka Prefacture)


Hobbies: wathching movies, reading books, listeninig music


About me: Hi I'm looking for penpal.
Please ask me about Japan.
Please let me know your country.
I am a Japanese male student at the univercity.
I am 22 years old.
I am working at a department store as a part-time worker.I sell the Japanese traditional New year food called "Osechi" there.


51 years old man from Japan (Tokiyo)


Hobbies: music


About me: i like be a good frend to japanes woman. i am not a japaness. i am sri lankan man. i am 35 years old. i like innocent japanes woman ( only one not to all )


65 years old man from Japan (Tokyo)


Hobbies: reading, traveling


About me: I wish to communicate with all across the world

21-25 out of 27 friends