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6-10 out of 27 friends

เธอด้วย ผมรักคุณ

64 years old man from Japan (Kyoto)


Hobbies: Readings and Tours


About me: Good friendships across the planet.
Age is 35 or more.


45 years old man from Japan (Yokohama)


Hobbies: Travelling


About me: Hi there,

I'm looking for friends from all over the globe. I am very practical and down-to-earth kinda guy and I'm sure therez lots we can communicate and exchange on. Catch you soon

D.M.Manjula Pradeep

40 years old man from Japan (Kurunegala)


Hobbies: Can you help me chicken hatchery


About me: can you help me technical support for chicks layer in farm. can you sent me to books,vidoes,hatchery machines how to work information .

Can you sent me to Donation $$$$$$$$$$$$


64 years old man from Japan (Kyoto)


Hobbies: Tours and Reading


About me: Good friendships aged more than 38


63 years old man from Japan (Tokyo)


Hobbies: Reading and traveling


About me: Good friends from all countries.
Age is over 40

6-10 out of 27 friends