Single Boys and Men from Japan - find friends, love, friendship, sex

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11-15 out of 27 friends


63 years old man from Japan (Tokyodo)


Hobbies: Reading and traveling etc


About me: Good friendships across the globe.
Age is 35 or more.


51 years old man from Japan (Yokosuka)


Hobbies: soccer, car, all sports, and anything about NASA and Space


About me: My name is Jay i live in Japan, I am looking to meet cool friends and more. If you like Afro American men and want to chat, or whaterver halla.

send pic with you reply.

Ryu Nagata

34 years old man from Japan (Tokyo)


Hobbies: movie, baseball, driving, culture, history


About me: Hi My name is Ryu Nagata.
and 19th years old.
I'm Tokyo city in Japan.
I want to talk about Japanese Culture
and Movie to many people all over the world.
and teach Japanese Lunguage and Culture.
and know about World Culure.
I want to travel many countries some day
So, I want to study about English.
and French, Duch, Korean, Rusis, China...
If you are interesting in Japan,
Please, send me your e-mail !
Thank you for reading my e-mail.


65 years old man from Japan (Tokyo)


Hobbies: Reading and traveling


About me: Good friendships across the world
aged over 40 regardless of genders


65 years old man from Japan (Shinjuku)


Hobbies: Reading.traveling


About me: Good friends from all countries
age is over 40

11-15 out of 27 friends