Girls and Women Friends from Greece - find love, friendship, sex

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42 years old woman from Greece (Xanthi)


Hobbies: reading,painting, cooking, biking,etc...


About me: Looking for penpals from all over the world fro frienship and cultural exchange. I speak english, french and german


51 years old woman from Greece (Sfakia-crete Island)


Hobbies: fishing, diving, gardening. also i like reading, music (all kind, and more pow wow), movies,paranormal phenomenos, nature, animals,philosophy,traditional medecine and many others.


About me: Hi! i am honest, simble person.with humore, openminded and open hearted person.i like learn everything new.i really love and interesting about native americans. culture, traditional ways i`m looking for penpals-friends, serious and honest people, with who i can be reall friend . ONLY NATIVE AMERICANS PLS.

she wolf

51 years old woman from Greece (Sfakia - Crete Island)


Hobbies: fishing,diving.gardening. also love reading, music, movies, and many other things.


About me: hi!i like meet new friends from everywhere!more i`m interesting about native americans, they culture, traditional ways etc. i am honest,simble person, with humore, and i enjoyn good laught.


43 years old woman from Greece (X)


Hobbies: traveling, photography, nature, reading


About me: Hello! I m a russian girl married in Greece and I m looking for penpal friends from all over the world! I love the sea, my dogs, music from different countries, design and to take photos :-)


51 years old woman from Greece (Athens)


Hobbies: fishing, reading, music, movies,learn everything new, chat, and lots of others.


About me: hi! i am greek, my name is nefely. i looking for new penpal and net friends from italy.