Boys and Men Friends from Georgia - find love, friendship, sex

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48 years old man from Georgia (Tbilisi)


Hobbies: European architecture, wines


About me: Hi there,

I am 33 years old man from the country of Georgia (eastern Europe) and I am looking for the 25 – 33 years old female from Europe (mostly from Central or Eastern Europe, maybe from Scandinavia too) to build a long term relationship. So, if there is anyone on this site who pursuits the same, please write to me, I’ll be eager to get your e-mail.

Attention from scammers from Africa! Do not bother to write to me, because I will not respond.


54 years old man from Georgia (Tbilisi)


Hobbies: Making new friends, traveling, visiting museums, photographing, cooking, etc


About me: Hello!

My name is Zura and I'm from Georgia. I would like to make new friends.
If anyone wishes to know me, please email me.
Thank you!