Friends from Germany, Ethiopia, Ghana - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like reading, going to the gym, listening to music, getting to know new cultures, chemists, music, sports, dancing, eating and more, reading watching vidoes

9191-9195 out of 10093 friends


39 years old woman from Germany (Giessen)


Hobbies: Reading, going to the gym, listening to music, getting to know new cultures


About me: Hi there, my name is Sara and I'm a 22 year old German girl and looking for pen pals from all over the world. Please don't be a prisoner or anything else criminal. I like to meet people that are interested in other cultures and languages and open-minded. Maybe we can share some thoughts. :) In my freetime I like to read a lot, to write scripts and I like to play my piano and to compose songs on it. I'm a student at university. I'm studying to become a teacher and I already started teaching children in: German, History, English, Latin and French. I can read/write in English and in French, German as well, of course. I hope to hear soon from anybody that wants to exchange letters with me. I will answer every letter/message.

Agenagnew Abera

40 years old man from Ethiopia (GONDER)




About me: TO SHARE INFORMATION .......

koranteng alex

58 years old man from Ghana (Kumasi)


Hobbies: reading, music


About me: i am 42 and want to share experience with ages above 50.


36 years old man from Ghana (Kumasi)


Hobbies: music, reading, sports, dancing, eating and more


About me: i`m a guy of 20 years old looking for friends all over the world. ( especially females ).
whatz up?

harry potter

35 years old man from Ghana (Tamale)


Hobbies: reading watching vidoes


About me: Hello Madam. Am glad having this great opportunity to send you this Message.
May I be of the good position to know your health? I do hope you are coping with the conditions out there. durring the internet service i was just passing and i saw your profile and its really look nice to me all thos motivate me to send you this message. I am so much interested in making you my dearest friendand I hope I am welcome. i am also doing great here. my name is Naim a 15 years of age.And i live in Tamale northern part of GHANA.well and i am a boy who respect people oh any one who is older then me becouse that is what teacher always tell me to respect people. well even we have not chat much but i can see that you sounds to be a honest and carring with people and i thanks you alot for that. and that i have to be good with my friends too.There is no happiness without a clear conscience.......We are nothing but a pencil in the hand of the creator." Experience is the hardest teacher. She tests you first then gives you the lesson. Remember, if you intend to follow the flying of a dragon, be careful, you may hit a mountain in the mist. "Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure: where your treasure, there your heart; where your heart, there your happinessTrue and good friends are really hard to find, so if you have some, don't let them go and try to hang on really tight with them. They would be then Friends for a lifetime..
Life will be more enjoyable and the world may seem to be a much better place to live if you have got true Friends who love you and respect you .A friend is one who knows who you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still gently allows you to grow. Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.. Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself--and especially to feel, or not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to--letting a person be what they really are.Well i will like to end here and i will be waiting to hear from you have a nice day and take care MAY THE GOOD LORD BE WITH YOU AND BLESS YOU. MAY THE LORD PROTECT YOUR FAMILY AND PROTECT YOU AGAINS BAD THINGS IN LIFE MAY GOD ALWAYS ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS WHEN EVER YOU NEED SOME THING FROM HIM BYE FOR NOW THANKS SO MUCH.please if you have yahoomail kindly give it to me and i will add you to my list

9191-9195 out of 10093 friends