Friends from Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, India - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like football, reading books, sports, listening to music, tv, travelling and making friends etc, travelling and making friends, travelling, meeting people, etc

9641-9645 out of 10093 friends

Raymond mensah

36 years old man from Ghana (Kumansi)


Hobbies: football


About me: I need a vary good friends


49 years old man from Malawi (Blantyre)


Hobbies: reading books, sports,listening to music,tv


About me: Afraind in need is a fraind indeed.I would like to have a submmited fraind.aperson who can advise


50 years old man from Ghana (Kumasi)


Hobbies: travelling and making friends etc


About me: Is good to love one another. i love u.


50 years old man from Nigeria (Kumasi)


Hobbies: travelling and making friends


About me: Is good to love one another.


55 years old man from India (COCHIN)


Hobbies: Travelling , meeting people, etc


About me: Invites freinds (both male & female) with a vision of making Income from their day-to-day
expenses. Especially from Kerala & Tamil Nadu.
Merely freindship also welcome. NO age bar....

9641-9645 out of 10093 friends