Friends from Russian Federation, Ethiopia, UK (United Kingdom) - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like making of friends, currently i whoud like to make love any person who is interested can join me, sport drawing chatting and beeing a drama queen, discussing with female friends all over the world about gender equality, adolescence, hiv/aids, merraige, environment, etc, visiting

6556-6560 out of 10093 friends


38 years old man from Russian Federation (WESTERN)




About me: I want to have female friends around russia.


38 years old man from Ethiopia (Addis Abeba)


Hobbies: currently i whoud like to make love any person who is interested can join me


About me: now a days i like tomakelove with girls so any body who is interested can jopin me


29 years old woman from UK (United Kingdom) (Bristol)


Hobbies: sport drawing chatting and beeing a drama queen


About me: plz accept me i luv making new friends male or female


41 years old man from Ethiopia (Harrar)


Hobbies: discussing with female friends all over the world about gender equality, adolescence, hiv/aids, merraige, environment, etc, visiting, reading scientific fictions


About me: those femals who are interested in me, please write me soon and share our ideas and feelings freely and enrich our life experience


36 years old man from Ethiopia (Addis Ababa)


Hobbies: movie and sport


About me: lets be a friend

6556-6560 out of 10093 friends