Friends from South Africa, Ghana, Zambia, Jordan, Ethiopia - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like gardening, cooking and reading, singing, listening to music and playing volley, surfing the net, photography, movies, languages, travel, music

6551-6555 out of 10093 friends

Mathew Alexander

88 years old man from South Africa (Cape Town)


Hobbies: Gardening, cooking and reading


About me: We are a older couple who would like to make new friends all over RSA but would prefer couples of similar age living in the vicinty of Fish Hoek and surrounds. We enjoy eating out and going dancing. We also like going to a good movie otherwise just enjoying life to the full. Anybody out there who would like to join us will be welcome.


45 years old man from Ghana (Accra)


Hobbies: Singing,listening to music and playing volley


About me: I want to make friends from all over Ghana and meet the best of friend.


41 years old man from Zambia (Lusaka)


Hobbies: Surfing the net, photography, movies.....


About me: l am a guy whose into having fun, making friends, seeing movies and listening to muzik, a friend and most like surfing the net!!!

Marouf Marouf

64 years old man from Jordan (Amman)


Hobbies: languages,travel,music,literature,sports


About me: Hello every one

We are surrounded with people ,every day we meet new people and we bid fare well to other people, but stil looking for some one who deserves our secrets and whom we feel no shame when we disclose our concealed details before him.

Friends , Lfe is very short, we live once . try not to waste a single moment in disputes.

Waiting to hear from you

With love and peace

Hiluf Debesay

38 years old man from Ethiopia (Harar)


Hobbies: love what ever allowed for human being legally


About me: 4th year veterinary medicine at Haramaya university.

6551-6555 out of 10093 friends