Single Girls and Women from South Africa - find friends, love, friendship, sex

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111-112 out of 112 friends


42 years old woman from South Africa (Stella)


Hobbies: Writing and receiving letters,watching movies,taking photos and much more


About me: Hi. My name is adri. Im a 26 year old women from South Africa. WOMEN aged 23 to 35 from all over the world are welcome to wright. Snail mail only. Adri 68 Stellastreet Stella 8650 South-Africa write soon!


55 years old woman from South Africa (Prieska)


Hobbies: horse riding, camping, reading, movies, theatre, chatting, hiking trails. Every thing that has to do with art.


About me: I am looking for friends from all over the world to learn more about other countries and people. I am a fun person and you will have a friend for life in me.

111-112 out of 112 friends
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