Single Girls and Women from Poland - find friends, love, friendship, sex

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126-130 out of 140 friends


35 years old woman from Poland (Krosno)


Hobbies: music, reading, outing,


About me: I'm looking for friends from all over the world. I learning English and I want to improve my English.
I'm waiting for your e-mails :)


41 years old woman from Poland (Gdańsk)


Hobbies: tourism, dancing, learning foreign languages, music,sport


About me: Hello,I'd like to talk to somebody who wants to improve his english skils and meet new friends:) I don't care if you are a man or a woman,younger or older than me. I just want to write some mails sometimes, enjoy my free time and improve my English.If you want the same, write.I look forward to hearing from you...:)


44 years old woman from Poland (Olk)


Hobbies: Reading


About me: Hi, my name's Joanna, I'm looking for penpals.


34 years old woman from Poland (Gdansk)


Hobbies: Sport, volleyball, films, music, reading books


About me: Hey ;)
My name is Kasia. I'm looking friends to talk about everything.
I love sport especially volleyball, footbal etc.
I like reading books.


32 years old woman from Poland (Biecz)


Hobbies: Music....:D


About me: Hi :)
I`m Krystyna and I`m 16 years old. I`m looking for someone who want to tell with me. I live in small city in Poland. I love music.
I`m waiting for e-mails :*

126-130 out of 140 friends