Single Girls and Women from Poland - find friends, love, friendship, sex

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56-60 out of 140 friends


32 years old woman from Poland (Warsaw)


Hobbies: ..


About me: Hi, I'm Alexandra, but just call me Ola. I'm 17 and I'm from Poland. My hobbies are: history, listening to music, drawing and reading books. If you write I'll tell you more about myself. Meet people from around the world.


32 years old woman from Poland (Warsaw)


Hobbies: ...


About me: Hi, I'm Alexandra, but just call me Ola. I'm 17 and I'm from Poland. My hobbies are: history, listening to music, drawing and reading books. If you write I'll tell you more about myself. Meet people from around the world, especially in Serbia and Croatia.


32 years old woman from Poland (Brzesko)


Hobbies: Sport, music, books


About me: Hi;)
My name is Marta and I live in Poland.
If you want to tell with me - send me mail;)
I'm waiting for you;D


32 years old woman from Poland (Katovice)


Hobbies: photography, music, literature.


About me: Hi.
I'm Magda, I'm from Poland and I love playin' guitar and takin' photos. I really like writin' poems, stories and songs. I wanna go to Japan, U.S.A. and Ireland. <3
I think that I'm polite and crazy person. (:


38 years old woman from Poland (Szczecin)


Hobbies: swimming, reading books, looking at the stars on the sky:)


About me: Hello! I'm kind and honest girl. I would like to meet people from different places, make some friends and practise my English. It would be cool to get to know something about your life and country:) If you are interested please e-mail me:)

56-60 out of 140 friends