Single Girls and Women from Papua New Guinea - find friends, love, friendship, sex

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16-18 out of 18 friends


32 years old woman from Papua New Guinea (Port Moresby)


Hobbies: dancing,cooking,making new friends,playing and sharing jokes


About me: try mail me and we'll try to get to know each other very soon


45 years old woman from Papua New Guinea (Port Moresby)


Hobbies: Music, reading, friends, etc....


About me: Hi !

Please do write to me, I would very much like to hear from you. I am fun loving and really fun to be with. I love to meet new people, hang out with family and friends.

You never know, we might become really good friends.



39 years old woman from Papua New Guinea (Port Moresby)


Hobbies: Playing, Watching movies, Reading, Listening to music, Spending Time with my friends, Learning new languages and Sleeping


About me: I'd love to have friends who are able tell me about their cultures, traveling and teach me the languages they speak.

16-18 out of 18 friends
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