Single Boys and Men from Uganda - find friends, love, friendship, sex

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76-80 out of 770 friends


38 years old man from Uganda (Kampala)


Hobbies: Playing bascket ball, volleyball ,watching movies, travelling ,making friend ,internate surfing


About me: I would love to have more female friends those who love God too ,respect them selves

baluku jockim

34 years old man from Uganda (KAMPALA)


Hobbies: playing football,watching TV,visiting friends,music


About me: i like friends who are female,want to know new thinks,likes sports,likes international friends, likes music, likes studies from allover the world.


34 years old man from Uganda (K'la City)


Hobbies: Listening to ziki,Dancing,swimming,travelling


About me: I need humble and fly ladies.


45 years old man from Uganda (Kampala)


Hobbies: Adverturing, making friends and listening to music.


About me: Am a hardsome guy of medium height, built seriously looking for a female friend from all over the world for serious love and romance.


65 years old man from Uganda (Entebbe)


Hobbies: travelling and singing


About me: i have a consultancy firm in uganda dealing in agriculture, any one interested in consulting on agriculture issues should contact me with the email address. thank you

76-80 out of 770 friends