Single Boys and Men from Uganda - find friends, love, friendship, sex

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526-530 out of 770 friends


37 years old man from Uganda (Jinja)


Hobbies: penpals all over the world


About me: hey people am looking for friends all over the world who are serious in making relation ships but not love .my hobbies are watching soccer,listening to music ,reading and enjoying with friends . SO YOU JUST Email me am ready to to repply every some body"s mail .
Hope to see yours soon


37 years old man from Uganda (Jinja)


Hobbies: penpals all over the world


About me: hey people am looking for friends all over the world who are serious in making relation ships but not love .my hobbies are watching soccer,listening to music ,reading and enjoying with friends . SO YOU JUST Email me am ready to to repply every some body"s mail .
Hope to see yours soon


33 years old man from Uganda (Kampala)


Hobbies: playing rugby,making friends,meeting new people.


About me: hi evryone out there,am looking 4 female budddies and if u wanna be friends then we could pull it together.if u wanna go the x-tra mile,ido not mind.hook mi up.


34 years old man from Uganda (Kampala)


Hobbies: basketball,swimming,volleyball,monopoly


About me: am joel oduri,ugandan,searching for female friend from canada,usa,japan.u.k,china and spain.waiting for your mail


35 years old man from Uganda (Mukono)


Hobbies: outing, making new friends, boxing


About me: only good looking babies can take me away from the net..

526-530 out of 770 friends