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46-50 out of 770 friends

prince khiv

38 years old man from Uganda (ENTEBBE TOWN)


Hobbies: music


About me: Hi dear friends, my names iam prince Kimera Ivan. student of fisheries training institute entebbe offering diploma in fisheries management and technology[FMT] KINDLY am looking for friends with good to give me ahand of support in my academics and help me to develop my music talent any way. my heart tells me that you are there and u can help i beleive thanks good friends may GOD bless u all.

prince khiv

38 years old man from Uganda (ENTEBBE TOWN)


Hobbies: music


About me: Hi dear friends, my names iam prince Kimera Ivan. student of fisheries training institute entebbe offering diploma in fisheries management and technology[FMT] KINDLY am looking for friends with good to give me ahand of support in my academics and help me to develop my music talent any way. my heart tells me that you are there and u can help i beleive thanks good friends may GOD bless u all.


33 years old man from Uganda (Kampala)


Hobbies: playing soccer,football, basketball,swimming,novels


About me: iam joran from uganda saying hi to europe and any body else outer what colour you a there willing to be my friends that am searching for any friend of any race int his world for friendship no mater what colour you are all welcome. am funny, loving, dancer, interesting. anybody willing to learn cultures is welcome cause am open minded and ready to mingle with everybody. friends make people smile and happyy and thats why i welcome any body.lots of love and greetings to every one. once again you are all welcome


48 years old man from Uganda (Kitgum)


Hobbies: travelling,watching movies and hanging out with the one am close with.


About me: try me and you will never regret.i am what a real women looks for in a man.


29 years old man from Uganda (Iganga)


Hobbies: riding,video games,watching movies,comedy,chatting,surfing


About me: I love friends from America,Europe and Asia.

46-50 out of 770 friends