Single Boys and Men from Tanzania - find friends, love, friendship, sex

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11-15 out of 202 friends

sindbad mandu

57 years old man from Tanzania (Dar Es Salaam)


Hobbies: traverling,sports,reading,listernign music


About me: Hi brethren hope to join with anybody from all over the world well come to Tanzania

raphael daniel

45 years old man from Tanzania (Daresalaam)


Hobbies: playing,sweeming


About me: im a teacher of secondary school at kilimanjaro region

Sir Nywiii

39 years old man from Tanzania (Moshi)


Hobbies: Is to own a business system


About me: It's better to take a RISK,before RISK takes you. meaning,Unsuccessful people never fail, where as successful men have experienced failure ,and take measures on how to overcome challenges


37 years old man from Tanzania (Arusha)


Hobbies: readin novel n watch movies


About me: ur welcome all!!!!


41 years old man from Tanzania (Dar Es Salaam)


Hobbies: chating,loving,writing love stories


About me: May i have a friend whom we will end up,to honest i prefer if she is from........!cause she can be a woman of my life!

11-15 out of 202 friends