Single Boys and Men from Sweden - find friends, love, friendship, sex

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11-14 out of 14 friends

Seeker of Truth

51 years old man from Sweden (Stockholm)


Hobbies: Knowledge and Prayer


About me: asalaamu alaikum wa rahmat Allahi wa barakatahu. I am seeking knowledge ...preferably from someone who has studied under Shayk Al Uthaymeen (rahim Allah) or Shaykh Al Albani (rahim Allah). I am very serious as I am 35 and I know that I have catching up to do. May Allah Bless you all and reward us with Jennah Firdaus.


50 years old man from Sweden (Stockholm)


Hobbies: Travfeling, music, pets, movies


About me: Hi!
Im a 34 yrs old male looking for female penfriends from all over the world. I prefere writing and reciving snail letters. Im looking forward to your letter.


50 years old man from Sweden (Stockholm)


Hobbies: Travfeling, music, pets, movies


About me: Hi!
Im a 34 yrs old male looking for female penfriends from all over the world. I prefere writing and reciving snail letters. Im looking forward to your letter.


35 years old man from Sweden (Stockholm)


Hobbies: Football, training, party


About me: Hi, I'm looking for both Girls and Boys to chat with. If you are nice to me I will show my abs in webcam ;)

11-14 out of 14 friends
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