Single Boys and Men from Russian Federation - find friends, love, friendship, sex

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16-20 out of 24 friends


49 years old man from Russian Federation (Voroneg)


Hobbies: Figure, ceramics, esoterics Loneliness


About me: Write, if you search for friends in Russia. Do not know Russian? Write by means of the program:ImTranslator 3.3.3-P


46 years old man from Russian Federation (Freetown)


Hobbies: Swimming, reading


About me: I would like to find a nice girl for friendship and relationships.


38 years old man from Russian Federation (WESTERN)




About me: I want to have female friends around russia.

Tommy B.

38 years old man from Russian Federation (Voronezh)


Hobbies: foreign cultures, including languages, Oriental philosophy, humor


About me: I've got no too much time, but I think I'll be able to find some, for interesting people. Anyway, first time I'll answer to everybody))))
It's difficult to describe myself in a couple of lines. Don't be shy, and write to me!


40 years old man from Russian Federation (NiNo)


Hobbies: Misic, paint, sport, science and communication


About me: I'm looking for a new friends to communicate.
Please, feel free to contact me, I'd like to chat with you)

16-20 out of 24 friends