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66-69 out of 69 friends


40 years old man from Malaysia (Perak)


Hobbies: menonton bola sepak,menonton telivisyen


About me: i love to be your friend..


40 years old man from Malaysia (Perak)


Hobbies: menonton bola sepak,menonton telivisyen


About me: i love to be your friend..


62 years old man from Malaysia (Sp)


Hobbies: listening song, collecting God pictures and writing


About me: Hi l'm married man. l would like make friends all around the world.
married or not married female, it not mind, can be my email friends lt ok! share writing, talking , or anythings.lf any one who boring just need a friends to talk or problem, not for money welcom.

l always online !!!


55 years old man from Malaysia (Gerik)


Hobbies: Tour


About me: hi..

66-69 out of 69 friends
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