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6-10 out of 18 friends

Alex Chen

32 years old man from Indonesia (Pekanbaru)


Hobbies: computer, reading, badminton, volleyball.


About me: hi friends! my name is Alex. I am from Indonesia. I am Indonesian and also Taiwanese, but I can speak Indonesian fluently and I can't speak Chinese well, weird, huh?
I like to make friends with you and I don't care what country you live in.
I love languages, Korean, Arabic, Tagalog, Chinese, French are being learnt... :)
so please send me an e-mail... nice to meet you... :)

Zainul Arief

43 years old man from Indonesia (Mojokerto East Java)


Hobbies: my Hobbies are traveling, watching Movie,


About me: hello.........i need to someone to be my sharing partner or friends. i enjoy learning the different culture in the world.could you help me please to understand it?


35 years old man from Indonesia (Ethiopia)


Hobbies: swimming, playing foot ball,create new things


About me: leave out from ethiopia and in to indonesia.
bytheway i heat a liare preson.OK

hengki budi prasetyo

70 years old man from Indonesia (Bekasi)


Hobbies: reading books [novel and history], walking sport, correspondence, and cooking


About me: I will go around the world share my heart to you by e-mail. Would you mind to be my friends?

hengki budi prasetyo

70 years old man from Indonesia (Bekasi)


Hobbies: reading books [novel and history], walking sport, correspondence, and cooking


About me: Mari kita berkawan karena Tuhan menciptakan manusia untuk saling mengasihi satu sama lain.

6-10 out of 18 friends