Abdul Basit
38 years old man from Ghana (Tamale)
email: suhuyini2008@yahoo.com
Hobbies: Praying,Reading,Sweeming, Travilling.Sports
About me: Hi i am Abdul Basit from Ghana,Tamale i want to make new friends in all over the world.please you are all wellcome see you soon
36 years old man from Ghana (Tamale)
email: harunahamza77@yahoo.com
Hobbies: I am a student
About me: I am a senior high student student,i wish to have afriend from a differend country,who will be loving and caring.i wish to know different places.i will be completing 2011 and i wish to help someone outside the country and to esperience different environment.
tristan kofi
40 years old man from Ghana (Accra)
email: TKkofi.0@gmail.com
Hobbies: reading,listening to music
About me: I Would like to correspond to every individuals all over the world
adjei asare rabbi
42 years old man from Ghana (Kumasi)
email: adjeiasarerabbi@yahoo.com
Hobbies: music soccer movies
About me: l am 27 yrs old and a product of valley view university.l would be grateful if l could have you as my dearly pal.l mean it .thanks
42 years old man from Ghana (Tema)
email: MadMoney@yahoo.com
Hobbies: readingbooks.walking and lovesfooball
About me: I want friends alover the world