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246-250 out of 1606 friends


37 years old man from Ghana (Accra)


Hobbies: Spending time at the beach


About me: I'm 23, lively and caring. I want penpals from all over the world. Age and nationality are not problems

francis Owusu

38 years old man from Ghana (Accra)


Hobbies: later


About me: to known more about diverse cultures

francis Owusu

37 years old man from Ghana (Accra)


Hobbies: watching live football match


About me: i need a female friend between my age to love me.


41 years old man from Ghana (Ghana)


Hobbies: Reading


About me: God's love is for all


41 years old man from Ghana (Winneba)


Hobbies: movie, tv, football, hockeyball, reading.


About me: am a special education student,specialised in sign language, work in the university of education.wana make new friends and as Deaf interpreter am looking forward to establish something for the Deaf world, so i need people to support ma ideas. i need your ideas to do some thing in life, will you?

246-250 out of 1606 friends