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1081-1085 out of 1606 friends

prince okyere

38 years old man from Ghana (Kumasi)


Hobbies: playing football


About me: I want some friends from allover the world.


39 years old man from Ghana (Ho)


Hobbies: sharing jokes,chatting


About me: wants friends from over the world, both males and females


31 years old man from Ghana (Accra)


Hobbies: playing game and reading


About me: diction to talk to friends from all over the world


40 years old man from Ghana (Accra)


Hobbies: raeding, watching movies,and music


About me: in will love tio meet passionate people to be my great pals from the world, honestly i will be much greatful. thanks stay good!

sgt tordzro benjamin

58 years old man from Ghana (Accra)


Hobbies: basket ball,volley ball and cooking


About me: I am a very humble man,i don,t look down on people,i prey that the good Lord well give me a very good friends who are God fearing.

1081-1085 out of 1606 friends