Single Boys and Men from Ghana - find friends, love, friendship, sex

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591-595 out of 1606 friends


41 years old man from Ghana (Accra)


Hobbies: Reading, watching movies and playing PC/video games


About me: Hi
My name is George and will like to have someone I can talk and also share things with. Every
one is welcome but you must be serious!!!!


43 years old man from Ghana (Accra)


Hobbies: listening to music,playing table tennis and reading


About me: who knows what life realy holds for mankind.we might simply be two of the best things to happen on this earth.just give me a mail and lets start something.have a nice day.


36 years old man from Ghana (Sunyani)


Hobbies: reading


About me: U are all welcome except frauders

Samuel Debrah

45 years old man from Ghana (Kumasi)


Hobbies: watching movies,singing &playing volley ball


About me: i want a friend from any part of the world


44 years old man from Ghana (Cape Coast)


Hobbies: Talking about sports


About me: I want friends to share thought with Muslims

591-595 out of 1606 friends