40 years old man from Ethiopia (Jimma)
email: ale.redilove@gmail.com
Hobbies: artist
About me: iam fuun person&morebeutyfuul me100% beautifulme100% lovely me100% sweet me 100%nice and ur 100 %stupid tobelieve these words
35 years old man from Ethiopia (A.a)
email: daawie3311@yahoo.com
Hobbies: watching films,reading books
About me: i like to have a friend all over the world
39 years old man from Ethiopia (Shashamanne)
email: hundiriba@yahoo.com
Hobbies: My hobbies are watching movies& socker,reading books& listening 2 radios.
About me: Hi, a'm waiting 4 our future friendship so u can write me.A'm a university graduate in Med.Laboratory Technology from Jimma University .
39 years old man from Ethiopia (Gondar)
email: fekadusisay10@yahoo.com
Hobbies: I reading magazine, fiction and chat with my friends...
About me: FRIEND means
F=Free from all formalities
R=Right to say any thing
I=In anyway
E=Either good or bad
N=No sorry no thanx
D=Daatnaa peetnaa allowed 24 hours
if you need more information ask me...
43 years old man from Ethiopia (Bahirdar)
email: dere_best@yahoo.com
Hobbies: watching live soccer,visiting historical places,reading nobels.
About me: strong and heartly relationship lasts forever.