33 years old man from Congo (Bukavu)
email: jackcokola@yahoo.fr
Hobbies: music, reading, playing physical sports, getting out when the week ends....
About me: i`m a sincere guy who`s pleased in getting more and more friends from everywhere across the glob,male or famale.means that i`m gladeful in relationship, and getting rich in that part of relation...
55 years old man from Congo (Kinshasa)
email: mabudikan@yahoo.fr
Hobbies: football, music
About me: jáime etre en contact celui ou celle qui voudrait mieux echangee les experiences( culturelle,social...) de vie avec moi
41 years old man from Congo (Kinshasa)
email: bienvenumuke@yahoo.fr
Hobbies: football, music
About me: je voudrai mieux communique avec le monde entier. just writ to me.