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king Wassi

40 years old man from Benin (Cotonou)


Hobbies: cinema , sport , muzik , study , information, travelling


About me: Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome everybody !!! My name King Wassi i'm interest to penpal with a serious people not a fake man plz. Men or Woman age between : 18-45 old year are welcome for a serious freind-partnership and good acquaintence. All e-mail will get back my reply. My e-mail :
my photo :


42 years old man from Benin (Porto-novo)


Hobbies: Surf in internet - Football - Baseball - Cinema- Music


About me: Hello,

My name's Ibrahim from West Africa ( Benin Rep ). I just search to penpal with all the people in whole the world male or female age between 18-45 are welcome for freind partnership. E-mail me as :

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