Single Boys and Men from Belgium - find friends, love, friendship, sex

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6-8 out of 8 friends


80 years old man from Belgium (Antwerpen)


Hobbies: reizen,koken,geschiedenis


About me: Ik plan een paar reizen naar Zuid Afrika,zou het heerlijk vinden er gekleurde homovrienden te ontmoeten.Vind het reuze logies aan te bieden aan reizenden,hou van mensen en internationale kontakten.Ben een goede gastheer en gids in mijn land


34 years old man from Belgium (Usa)


Hobbies: eating & sleeping !!


About me: (ohh Welcome to my world

Am a guy (guess you noticed already) ok, my name's hicham, I've 17y old, am from morocco, but I live in morocco now,.. I love morocco, morocco is …OOOopss sorry!!

So, am 1793,5 mm tall and my weight is 65kg, and …oo (should I refer to all this informations ??) :p ok.that's fine ^-^ ..oo YEAH am tall, but am in goOd shap cuz I love sports, I've been practicing them ALL my looonng life (17y) hehe, I've been playing basket-ball & volley-ball & tennis & soccer and also foot-ball YEAH ooo( doesn't soccer mean foot-ball )??!!ohh nevermind

So what now !!?
Aaaa I'm a direct person who sometimes speaks before he thinks and then looks like an idiot, but I never mean any harm. I talk too much...hah yes I like to talk ^-^ I am actually quite open minded, or at least I'd like to value other peoples opinions and believes. That wouldn't mean I will agree with them. I think a friend you can disagree with is the best kind of friend you can have. Hah (manhooood speaking !!)

Heey let's talk honestly ..:
I work very hard, as well on my study as on my job, because I think that is the only way you can really archieve something and be proud of yourself.
I want to become an Architect,(let's talk abt that after ).. I want to travel around the world and see many famous buildings. I also want to practice my English and make many friends around the world, so that's why I sighned up.

Am not looking for anything romantic. ((he's a liar)) ..oo am not really,((LIAR)) !! but u know what ..! am a really shy person, but I can warm up to ppl  ((good boy)).

aaahhh that's all i think, cuz i get really tired


63 years old man from Belgium (Antwerpen)


Hobbies: Computer,film,music,....


About me: I am a open man. I want to talk about anything. I'm honest....

6-8 out of 8 friends
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