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2741-2745 out of 2995 friends


30 years old woman from Australia (Australia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hobbies: loads of stuff, hanging out with friends, piano, guitar, going on the trampoline, boogie boarding, going to the beach, loud music, talking, laughing, cooking, anything awsome or exciting


About me: hey peoples whats up?

Hey i just wanna make some more friends so if u want to make a friend e-mail me or something, i have msn so if ya wanna add me just e-mail me and ill give my msn addy.

awsome see ya!!!!!!!!


30 years old woman from Australia (A Town In Australia)


Hobbies: hanging out with friends, piano, guitar, going on the trampoiline, boogie boarding, going to the beach, shopping going on hoildays, load music, anything awsome and exciting


About me: hey peoples i just wanna have some more friends from anywhere in the world i don't care where. I hust like talking to people!!!!!!!!
See ya


46 years old woman from Bhutan (Thimphu)


Hobbies: to make friends and share the sorrows and happiness


About me: m a jolly women


41 years old woman from France (Créteil)


Hobbies: Singing, listen to music, walking, go out with friends, travelling...


About me: Hi !

I'm searching penpals for improve my english.

Maybe see you soon !


42 years old woman from Philippines (Davao)


Hobbies: many to mention


About me: i want a man,,,,,,for long term relationship
white man pls,,,,30 yrs above
age doesnt matter to me.pls send also your photo and i will rply you back with photo also
im from philippines

2741-2745 out of 2995 friends