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1491-1495 out of 2995 friends


42 years old woman from South Africa (Cape Town)


Hobbies: Surfin the net, reading my Spanish books, visiting friends, goin to the beach, watchin movies, playin games on my PS, and listenin to music.


About me: Attention all ladies out there, im a cool guy who's just lookn for someone to share secrets wit and i hope u won't be disappointed and everyone is welcome to my world. Im warning those who just write to test me do not even to try and mess around with me, im waitin for yo long long mail...may God bless ps come to South Africa this 2010 and see whatz cool.

Jamie Namorong

45 years old woman from Papua New Guinea (Port Moresby)


Hobbies: Reading, Listening to news, sharing cultures


About me: Iam looking for people whom we can share cuktures, ideas, stories.


65 years old woman from Nigeria (Nigeria)


Hobbies: Listening to news


About me: Only serious female between40-65 is my interest


48 years old woman from USA (United States of America) (Georgetown Tx)


Hobbies: kaorke,reading, talking on the phone and internet and more


About me: hi my name is briana.
i'm just looking for some one to friends with i'm not looking for anything serious i'm just looking for friends so please understand that thanks bye........


32 years old woman from Poland (Brzesko)


Hobbies: Sport, music, books


About me: Hi;)
My name is Marta and I live in Poland.
If you want to tell with me - send me mail;)
I'm waiting for you;D

1491-1495 out of 2995 friends