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1146-1150 out of 2995 friends


52 years old woman from UK (United Kingdom) (Liverpool)


Hobbies: Dancing, Networking, Socialising, Meeting with friends and learning new things


About me: Looking to make friends around the world. I go Salsa classes and love dancing and music.


57 years old woman from Guyana (Brooklyn Ny)


Hobbies: reading and outgoing


About me: lookling for a good friend


41 years old woman from Lebanon (Manila Philippines)


Hobbies: listening music&cooking!!!!!jok arround!!!!!!!


About me: hey guys!!im seiking 4 a good friendship both men and woman,,,,hop u guys will approach me!!thank u!!!!


35 years old woman from USA (United States of America) (Tracy City Tn)


Hobbies: i love to play football


About me: i like to read and play football and i love to text i love walks


41 years old woman from Tanzania (Coast Region)


Hobbies: Reading and watching love stories, teaching,learning new things, surfing websites and chatin


About me: Hi there! Iam a God fearing woman and very charming! currently iam hunting for a job ever since i graduate 2yrs ago! i would like to have alot of friends who can give me some advice on job applications, interviews and other different life issues. I look forward to speaking with u through email wherever u ar in the world. Thanks and GOD BLESS U MY DEAR NEW FRIEND

1146-1150 out of 2995 friends