Friends from Ghana, Uganda, Ethiopia - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like swimming, music, jokes, movies, en outing, reading the gospel, watching tv emmanuel, caring for disables and children, reading bible, fictions

4826-4830 out of 10093 friends


34 years old man from Ghana (Kumasi)


Hobbies: swimming


About me: am a young guy and a christian and need frends from all over the world.


36 years old woman from Uganda (Fortportal)


Hobbies: music,swimming,jokes,movies, en outing


About me: am afun loving girl who likes making jokes with friend,out going en always jolly.


125 years old man from Ethiopia (Awassa -SNNRS Capital)


Hobbies: Reading the gospel, watching tv emmanuel, caring for disables and children


About me: I would like to know and share different knowledges, tradition ,culture and all things that i know for others and want to know from others too.


36 years old man from Ethiopia (Adama)


Hobbies: reading bible,fictions,poetry books..........


About me: somebody who wants to talk about the life please contact know.


39 years old man from Ethiopia (Adama)


Hobbies: reading bible,fictions,poetry books..........


About me: somebody who wants to talk about the life please contact know.

4826-4830 out of 10093 friends