Ryu Nagata
34 years old man from Japan (Tokyo)
email: ringu7@yahoo.co.com
Hobbies: movie, baseball, driving, culture, history
About me: Hi My name is Ryu Nagata.
and 19th years old.
I'm Tokyo city in Japan.
I want to talk about Japanese Culture
and Movie to many people all over the world.
and teach Japanese Lunguage and Culture.
and know about World Culure.
I want to travel many countries some day
So, I want to study about English.
and French, Duch, Korean, Rusis, China...
If you are interesting in Japan,
Please, send me your e-mail !
Thank you for reading my e-mail.
35 years old man from Nepal (Kathmandu)
email: guru1499@yahoo.com
Hobbies: driving ,reading, make friend help weak person
About me: I am searching a true friend whom can trust me
siderial visitor
82 years old man from USA (United States of America) (Philadelphia)
email: leetempc@hotmail.com
Hobbies: astronomy,bird watching, navigation,cooking, and watching tv
About me: Need somebody who will listen to me and my theories of spectacular phenomena as we live out our physical manifestation. The time to leave this land is imminate.
touch me not
33 years old man from Pakistan (Rajanpur)
email: farhanjaved92@hotmail.com
Hobbies: study,exercise,internet,and search for lover yet not get hahaha
About me: i want to see this world as a paradise where we love.respect eachother
32 years old woman from Ireland (Wexford)
email: lopzsy@hotmail.com
Hobbies: Dancing,reading,movies.
About me: Hey im Laura im 16 from ireland!,.i really want some penpals from america cos i wud love to go there some day,(hopefully soon!), female from 15 to 18 preferably!,.so yeah i hope ta get to no the culture over there and stuff!,.