Friends from Ghana, Ethiopia, Liberia, Tanzania, Spain - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like acting of films, reading playing pool, reading and sports, talking, helping old women and childrens, 25

4371-4375 out of 10093 friends


43 years old woman from Ghana (Accra)


Hobbies: Acting of Films


About me: hello am from Ghana, but now am in South Africna for hoildays, i want to come to Brazli for shout hoildays and i need female friends to take me out side of the town, please if you are intersted reply as soon as possible now my air line is ready. thanks


39 years old man from Ethiopia (Hawassa)


Hobbies: reading playing pool


About me: i'm very open to talk on any affair of life and to mediatet so you get me right now .

Togba Doya

38 years old man from Liberia (Monrovia)


Hobbies: reading and sports


About me: Hi, I need a friend


50 years old man from Tanzania (Aruscha)


Hobbies: talking,helping old women and childrens


About me: let the people live with happy,then we will have agood world for next generations


43 years old man from Spain (Madrid)


Hobbies: 25


About me: hiu how do

4371-4375 out of 10093 friends