Friends from Ghana, USA, Kenya - find love, friendship, sex

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4351-4355 out of 10093 friends


38 years old man from Ghana (CAPE COAST)


Hobbies: playing football/swing/


About me: hello am a young guy who just entered here hoping to see anyone who want me as a friend please serious friends from any where.

Irene Norris

40 years old woman from USA (United States of America) (Houston)


Hobbies: college


About me: single beauiful woman.


63 years old woman from Kenya (Nairobi)


Hobbies: Reading, writing travel


About me: Am 48 f from kenya. Looking for men pals of age 50+ from around the globe. Be my n we will share alot. I like other ppls culture. Welcome


43 years old man from Ghana (Accra)


Hobbies: Swim


About me: Am a young man looking for a lifetime partner.


44 years old woman from Kenya (Nairobi)


Hobbies: having fun,


About me: would like penpals from all over the world

4351-4355 out of 10093 friends