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Find new friends who like dating, friendship and love, like listening to music, talking on the phone and text messages, reading books, the twilight saga!, playing basketball

4321-4325 out of 10093 friends


60 years old woman from India (Agartala)


Hobbies: dating,friendship and love


About me: hi


40 years old man from Nigeria (Lagos)


Hobbies: like listening to music


About me: Am looking for a caring lady,i don't care about race,colour or religion.


39 years old woman from USA (United States of America) (Hicksville New York)


Hobbies: talking on the phone and text messages


About me: hi my name is stephanie i am 23 from new york i like to do for fun is shopping talking on the phone and text messages and going to the bookstore and the petshop and hang out with my family and wright letters in the mail and i like to meet new friends thak you have a nice day i hop to her from you soon
from stephanie


31 years old woman from Sweden (Stockholm)


Hobbies: Reading books, The Twilight Saga!


About me: I love the story about Bella, the clumpsy main character, and Edward, the handsome vampire! Stephenie Meyer is a fantastic writer, i absolutely love her books! If you have´nt, read them, and get paralysed.
It would be nice to talk to someone who´s as interested in Twilight as I am, or anyone else.

mlowoka nicely gondwe

49 years old man from Malawi (Lilongwe)


Hobbies: playing basketball


About me: I need seriuos minded people

4321-4325 out of 10093 friends