Friends from Japan, Uganda, Ghana, Kenya - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like reading and traveling etc, traveling, meeting new people and holding discussions, travelling, sing and making fun, reading, swimming, joggin, communication, socializing

4051-4055 out of 10093 friends


63 years old man from Japan (Tokyodo)


Hobbies: Reading and traveling etc


About me: Good friendships across the globe.
Age is 35 or more.


42 years old man from Uganda (Kampala)


Hobbies: Traveling, Meeting new people and holding discussions


About me: am a God fearing gentle man, caring and loving, so I would like to meet any one who is also God fearing.


39 years old man from Ghana (Bolgatanga)


Hobbies: travelling, sing and making fun


About me: I am a humble person, very passionate in handling issues and that makes me strict. I need friends all over the world.


60 years old man from Ghana (Kumasi)


Hobbies: reading,swimming,joggin,communication


About me: will be very happy to get a frien who goes to church or a christian

stewart wapwanyika

37 years old man from Kenya (Nairobi)


Hobbies: socializing,reading .listening to all interesting beats


About me: I am a Zimbabwean currently in kenya .i need friends for me to feel at home

4051-4055 out of 10093 friends