Friends from Ghana, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Qatar, Uganda - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like chating with freinds, hanging out, watching movies, music, i like basket bal, speaking wiz girls, movies/ internet/ song /chat, rapping

3691-3695 out of 10093 friends


35 years old man from Ghana (Kumasi)


Hobbies: chating with freinds


About me: am Randy who is free to any body


37 years old man from Zimbabwe (Harare)


Hobbies: Hanging out, watching movies, music,


About me: am a funny and loving guy who is free to anything and enjoys meeting new faces every day,


45 years old man from Ethiopia (Addis Ababa)


Hobbies: I like basket bal , speaking wiz girls


About me: I need female for serious relationship...........


41 years old man from Qatar (Doha)


Hobbies: movies/ internet/ song /chat


About me: hi girls


38 years old man from Uganda (Kampla)


Hobbies: rapping


About me: hey wats up?this is mellow tryna throw aword of halla im agood buddy en ma physical appearance doesnot matter,ilove chillin'wit' babes en rapping

3691-3695 out of 10093 friends