Friends from Uganda, Ghana, Kenya - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like football, general, going out, having fun, playing volleyball and football, adventure, cooking, socializing, travelling, preaching the end time message

3666-3670 out of 10093 friends


40 years old man from Uganda (Lira)


Hobbies: football


About me: like making friendship


41 years old man from Uganda (Kampala)


Hobbies: general


About me: belief can move mountains


34 years old man from Ghana (Accra)


Hobbies: going out, having fun,playing volleyball and football.


About me: am cool and a honest guy, am looking for a lady between the ages of 16 to 18 for a serious relationship. pls everybody is invited pls am here for my love.


44 years old woman from Kenya (Malindi)


Hobbies: adventure,cooking,socializing,travelling


About me: am down to earth,honest,truthful and matured enough to know the good things in life.I need a pen friend to chart with and to be there for each other even though we may not know each other but through internet.I need a man who is true to himself and who enjoys challenges in life because nothing good comes easy but what more can i say.

Malachi 4:5-6

63 years old man from Kenya (Mombasa.)


Hobbies: Preaching the end time message.


About me: Truthfully have put my ad to point world people to the end time message, so that they can change and worship God in spirit and truth. Take this chance since it may mean between life and death for time is too far gone than you may think my christian friend. Will send you elaborative tracts of revealed Bible truths and definetely if you are a child of God, then you will take action and act in the right direction.

3666-3670 out of 10093 friends