Friends from Uganda, Ghana, South Africa, Algeria, Namibia - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like chatting, reading, watching movies, gym and keep fit excersice, reading and swimming, postcards, prospecting, photography, nature, music

3601-3605 out of 10093 friends

Nice John

38 years old man from Uganda (Kampala)


Hobbies: Chatting, reading, watching movies


About me: im a male of 23 im looking for awhite woman from all over the world.must be the so friendly and God fearing.thanx

Anyars Ibrahim

41 years old man from Ghana (Kumasi)


Hobbies: gym and keep fit excersice


About me: am energytic looking for all kind of person for a long life freinship of any kink am cool easy and all accomadate persons are all welcome thank you.


36 years old woman from South Africa (Johannesburg)


Hobbies: reading and swimming


About me: im looking to befriend people from australia and china


50 years old man from Algeria (Boumaiza)


Hobbies: postcards


About me: hi every one
iamalgerian ,iamlooking for friends ,just for friendship relation ,if u interested contact me
have a nice day

Namib Frog

67 years old woman from Namibia (Namib Desert)


Hobbies: prospecting, photography, nature, music, etc etc


About me: I am looking for email FRIENDS from all over the world, especially from Japan and/or China, to learn more about your country. If you want to learn more about my country, which is a true paradise and very very beautiful, please write to me. All letters will be answered.

3601-3605 out of 10093 friends