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Find new friends who like dddd, love, being angry about these spammers here, gospel music, world loxotron

2706-2710 out of 10093 friends

'' and

50 years old woman from Bulgaria (Sassd)


Hobbies: dddd


About me: dsads


38 years old woman from USA (United States of America) (New York)


Hobbies: love


About me: i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.i will tell you later.

Angry Visitor

54 years old man from Germany (None Of Your Business)


Hobbies: being angry about these spammers here


About me: This could be such a great website, but it seems there is no moderator or owner thatis responsible that could delete the obvious fake & spam ad's on here.

I mean what the hell? This person from Sri Lanka posted more then 28 pages long the same goddamn ad.

If the moderator of this website is reading this: BLOCK everyone from Sri Lanka and delete all the spam at once.

What a great place - and what it has become.


37 years old man from Uganda (Kampala)


Hobbies: Gospel music


About me: Need friends


36 years old man from Ukraine (LOXOTRON.UKRAINA.COM)





2706-2710 out of 10093 friends