Friends from Poland, Ghana, Fiji, Tanzania - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like reading, surf the net, swimming, and watching movies listening to music, singing, playing inhstruments, travelling, chatting, emails, computers

2456-2460 out of 10093 friends


28 years old woman from Poland (Poznan)


Hobbies: reading, surf the Net


About me: I want write in Spanish language or English language.

Clem Acheampong

49 years old man from Ghana (Greater Accra)


Hobbies: Swimming, reading, and watching movies listening to music.


About me: Am looking for real friends from all over the world to share ideas, learn each others culture, exchange letters and sometimes visit each other.

Please no jokes i need true friends.


46 years old man from Ghana (Kumasi)


Hobbies: Singing & playing Inhstruments


About me: I'm seeking for female friends all over the world.


51 years old man from Fiji (Suva)


Hobbies: travelling,chatting,emails,computers


About me: hi there!lm looking for true friends from all over the world.


37 years old man from Tanzania (Dar Es Salaam)


Hobbies: singing music


About me: searching friends all over the world who can make me feel like paradise.

2456-2460 out of 10093 friends