Friends from Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Burkina - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like listening to music, books, swimming, dancing, playing basketball and having fun, loughing, take picture

2406-2410 out of 10093 friends


38 years old man from Uganda (Kampala)


Hobbies: Listening to music


About me: Need friends


47 years old man from Uganda (Kampala)


Hobbies: Books


About me: Am searching for a beautiful ugandan mature lady to love and have fun with. I love travelling, music and partying.

Baby blossom

31 years old woman from Tanzania (Dar)


Hobbies: swimming,dancing,playing basketball and having fun


About me: i am agal of ma words. I love 2 get many friends all over the earth, chaooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!am always hear 2 text you. love you all


34 years old man from Ethiopia (Mekelle)


Hobbies: loughing


About me: come on lets open the new world of u and i.
yeah i will really make u lough and and make ur time what r u waiting for?


33 years old man from Burkina (Ouagadougou)


Hobbies: Take picture.


About me: Coucou! Tout le monde mon nom c'est Mohamed. j'ai 18ans, et je suis du Burkina-Faso terre des hommes integres. Je fais 1m67. Et je voudrais correspondre avec toute personne connaissant la valeur de l'amitie. Je voudrais me faire un max d'amis(es) avec qui partager mes idees, mes cultures, mes emotions...

2406-2410 out of 10093 friends