Friends from South Africa, Ethiopia, Philippines, India - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like like listening to music, playing volleyball, singing, reading, shopping, watching movies and watching stand up comedy shows, muzic, movies, football, chatting

2341-2345 out of 10093 friends


31 years old woman from South Africa (Johannesburg)


Hobbies: Like listening to music, playing volleyball, singing, reading, shopping, watching movies and watching stand up comedy shows.


About me: I would like to meet a penpal between the ages of 16 and 25. Anywhere is South Africa.


40 years old man from Ethiopia (Bahir Dar)


Hobbies: Muzic,Movies,Football,Chatting,Disscussing on current issue,etc.


About me: If you are interested pleace login.


40 years old man from Ethiopia (Addis Ababa)


Hobbies: Listeninginstumental muzic,Walking araund beaches,Fishery,Scintific movie,helping orphans,etc.


About me: If you want to get real(hearted)conversation,pleace tid with me.
thank you.


38 years old woman from Philippines (From Dumaguete City..currently Working At Manila)


Hobbies: taking up different sports, learning to cook, reading books, dancing..


About me: hi everyone..have a good day!
hope to found more friends here..


40 years old man from India (Goa)


Hobbies: talking, chatting, having all types of fun


About me: Hi Im Francis 25 male , very broadminded and funloving, I love penpals especially girls and ladies and I can be totally open to them . You can bet it, try me now

2341-2345 out of 10093 friends