Friends from Ghana, China, Uganda, Ethiopia - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like watching r, b clips and reading, reading, volley, football, music, movies, listen news and travelling, preaching, to help poples

2286-2290 out of 10093 friends


43 years old man from Ghana (Kete - Krachi)


Hobbies: Watching R&B clips and reading


About me: Am here to meet grate and wonderful people from any nationality. Who are open minded and can drive our friendship to the next hight.


55 years old man from China (Hong Kong)


Hobbies: Reading,volley,football, music,movies,listen news and travelling


About me: I want to correspond with different people and know more about their culture.I am a black african living in Hong Kong.All mails will be handled with due respect.Thanks.


55 years old man from China (Hong Kong)


Hobbies: Reading,volley,football,movies,listen news and travelling


About me: I want to correspond with different people and know more about their culture.I am a black african living in Hong Kong.All mails will be handled with due respect.Thanks.


31 years old man from Uganda (Masaka)


Hobbies: preaching


About me: hi people i am a Ugandan easy boy who love all people to be my friends. if you are interested in being one of my friends you can e-mail me.I LOVE YOU ALL

'' babe''

33 years old man from Ethiopia (Addis Abba)


Hobbies: to help poples


About me: pls every body say some thing.about any thing

2286-2290 out of 10093 friends