Friends from Uganda, Zimbabwe, Kenya, UK (United Kingdom) - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like basket ball, watching movies, networking, friendship, reading books, major the bible, networking and friendship, writing, the countryside, watching forensic tv programmes and quiet things!!

1801-1805 out of 10093 friends


41 years old woman from Uganda (Kampala)


Hobbies: Basket ball


About me: Hello am looking for friendship in all corners of the world. Am much interested in longterm relationship that will lead to marriege.


43 years old man from Zimbabwe (Harare)


Hobbies: Watching movies


About me: I would like to meet ladies for no strings attached fun.


58 years old man from Kenya (AMUKURA)




About me: Hello friends,I'm looking for someone from any part of the world to be my friend,To be sharing and even visiting me in my home in Kenya,No matter if you are born again christian or not,God has given me a heart of love to everybody,But not Amoslem i don't have experience to stay with them, but God still love everybody.


58 years old man from Kenya (AMUKURA)




About me: Hello friends,I'm looking for someone from any part of the world to be my friend,To be sharing and even visiting me in my home in Kenya,No matter if you are born again christian or not,God has given me a heart of love to everybody,But not Amoslem i don't have experience to stay with them, but God still love everybody.


59 years old woman from UK (United Kingdom) (London)


Hobbies: Writing,the countryside,watching forensic TV programmes and quiet things!!


About me: Hi,
I am hoping to find some American pen pals,all over America,but hopefully some in the 'Maine area'.
It will be just nice to write daily about our life's and learn about the different life's we lead

Please do feel free to drop me a line and i'll look forward to hearing from you soon.

Take Care.

1801-1805 out of 10093 friends